Los Angeles

*   This institution provides two separate hostels one for Gents having 100 capacity and one ladies having 50 capacity.

*  The institute is having e-Library with sufficient number of text Books and reference books related to the branches of study. In addition to this the Library provides English and Odia daily news papers for general awareness of the trainees. The Library is equipped with computers having internet facilities for advance study of students.

*   To provide basic computer skill i.e. MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point to all the trainees. The institute have 40 nos. of computers provided with internet facility and power back up in well furnished computer lab.

*  In order to argument the communication capability of the trainees, the institute provides a well furnished highly modernized communication and personality development lab.

*   The trainees of different trades visit to different industries on study tour to have practical exposure.

*   100%`stipend for all SC, ST & OBC students as per Govt. norms.